Alex Samek Shares the Branding Success Story of Proper Hospitality in CA

22apr 2021
Principal and Co-Founder Alex Samek of Proper Hospitality in California has shared the success story of the branding of the organization.

Santa Monica, CA (April 23, 2021) - Proper Hospitality is known to extend the best experiences in lifestyle hospitality, and the organization has grown leaps and bounds in the last few years. Part of the success story of the organization can be attributed to the successful branding measures adopted by the group.  Alex Samek, Principal and Co-Founder of Proper Hospitality in California, has shared why the branding of the organization has been a great success.

As Alexander Samek believes, the company started branding with a difference. Its advertising and branding techniques were in keeping with the needs of upscale customers, looking for a rich and luxurious experience while traveling to some of the best locations of the world. The branding measures focused on the core strengths of the group, as well as what it is capable of.

According to Alex Samek Proper Hospitality, the organization has been involved with the growth of hotels and hospitality properties for a long time. Thus, its own branding efforts have been superlative. He is elated that the branding efforts of the organization, even in the hospitality industry hit by pandemic, are showing signs of success.

About Proper Hospitality, LLC.

Based in CA, Proper Hospitality, LLC is a company that offers the best chic hospitality branding experiences under the two brands, Proper Hotels and Residences and Avalon Hotels Brands.

For further information or enquiries, visit the website

Media Contact

Proper Hospitality, LLC.

1437 7th Street, Suite 250

Santa Monica, CA 90401

United States

Phone: 424.244.1729 


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