Alex Samek Looks Back at the 20 Years of The Kor Group and Analyzes Its Success

2may 2021
The Kor Group has come a long way in its journey that has crossed more than 20 years, and its principal Alex Samek has looked back at its success.

Santa Monica, CA (May 02, 2021) - Established in 1999, The Kor Group – a major name in global real estate investment and management has become a big name in the intervening years.The Kor Group principal Alex Samek has recently shared his views on what makes the group so special, and also analyzed its success story.

As Alexander Samek has put it, the group has been able to get more and more successful due to its solid investment strategy that focuses on creating value through distinctive branding and design. It has blended a fast development and investment practice with creative design, and has accumulated a portfolio comprising of high performing assets.

Over the years, the company has been able to build a large brand that can be translated across properties. The group has been able to get, reposition and manage more than 14 million sq. ft retail, commercial, hospitality, mixed use and residential space.

As per Alex Samek Kor, at the moment, the group has more than 1 billion USD worth active developments. This includes 1.4 million sq. ft in the stage of construction, development and acquisition stage, which include adaptive reuse, value-add repositioning and ground-up development.

About The Kor Group

An international real estate investment and management firm, The Kor Group has wide experience in commercial real estate property holdings and development. It was set up in 1999.

For further information or enquiries, visit the website

Media Contact

The Kor Group


1437 7th Street, Suite 250

Santa Monica, CA 90401

Contact: 424.244.1729



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